Legacy YM

[badge name=imran]pic: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=0B45xd3N1fLMoYVlzb2VzbXE2Y1U
name: Imran Ali Namazi
blood-group: O+ve
contact: +91-9566166880 / imran@cselian.com
emergency-contacts: Uma (mother) - 9840595808

[badge name=shayesteh]pic: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=0B45xd3N1fLMoTFB6Q1JPWHJsQzQ
name: MMJ Namazi (Shayesteh)
blood-group: O+ve
contact: +91-9500001909 / namazi@ganiandsons.com
emergency-contacts: Imran (son) - 9566166880 / Sukaina (wife) - 9840595808
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UalsUtYHfq4RdItF_CmPQb2nlHcq8_LHBBScKWHf8L0|Medical Details (public)
link: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1GfnqBORD9CoVO3cRxECMzL3TsiB-i82f|Medical Records (request access from Google Drive)

[badge name=uma]pic: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=0B45xd3N1fLMocjE2alVNZFV6NDQ
name: Sukaina Namazi (Uma)
blood-group: O+ve
contact: +91-9840595808
emergency-contacts: Imran (son) - 9566166880 / Rani (sister) - 9952912041


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