Legacy YM

Bienvenue, YieldMore is a network of people looking out for their fellow beings, trying to inspire and share with them the best of their learnings. And a place to promote the programs, people and practices that would help improve their quality of life. Get in touch with us at: shasa@cselian.com / +919841223313 / yieldmore.org/?r=1. To know more, visit here: About Page and Video, see our YieldMore.org site overview (sitemap) or list of social media links and redirects.

Harmony & Aikyatan - world around, people are in search of something that liberates and unites us all.
Entheos - A platform for discussing spirituality and religion (books available by Samata). - "Indian religion has always believed that since the minds, the temperaments and the intellectual affinities of men are unlimited in their variety, a perfect liberty of thought and of worship must be allowed to the individual in his approach to the Infinite" - Sri Aurobindo.
Diet by Swami Sivananda.

##News and Events
Twitch.tv - our live broadcasting channel with interactive chat and the ability to save clips.
Forum - We're now collecting questions and ansers.
French - Imran launches a group for learning French. //TODO: setup r=links
Quotes - friends can now send us a text file of their favourite quotes and we can show them randomly.

##Curate / Inspire
link: http://yieldmore.org/incubate/essays-to-a-swan/?node=notables|Imran's tribute, 6 Aug
youtube: lrzF88mWewY&list=PLsuI89eMBnMGZab7xKLfGJ-JZ9H2126Q0|SAMA - Toward a Harmonious Collective Existence- Georges van Vrekhem
youtube: iCA_XaSXn_M|Keep Talking - Stephen Hawking / Pink Floyd / British Telecom - oh humanity!
youtube: YQaammaoMxU|Climb Ev'ry Mountain - Sound of Music - obstacles
youtube: pKP4cfU28vM|Turn! Turn! Turn - The Byrds - harmony
youtube: hHrdSXwonRg|Deck of Cards - Tex Ritter - contemplation
link: http://yieldmore.org/books/curious-lives/|Curious Lives (Richard Bach)
link: http://english.yieldmore.org/books/louis-lamour/|Louis Lamour, writer of American Westerns
link: http://english.yieldmore.org/movies/all/|List of 150 recommendations by Imran

Organization: bethecure.in - Jeevan Stem Cell Registry
Organizations: J4D - Jobs for Dyslexics, USA
Practice: Yoga (its relevance by Swami Niranjanananda of the Bihar School of Yoga) - a slideshow intro by Mr Subramanian K.
Program: Instrumental Enrichment
Helper: Rani (English Teacher and Special Educator) - content to be added.
Artist: Soulspace (Bharath Muraliraman)
Project: Cave 3.0 - an Opera depicting the evolution on consciousness.
Insight: https://greenroombuzz.com/2017/06/08/why-make-videos/

Leaf By Niggle (JRR Tolkien)
Problem of Rebirth and The Object of Our Yoga (Sri Aurobindo)
Inspire (By Imran, for his mother Uma)

201708 Aug

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