Imran at Auroville, 2011 I am Imran and have been whittling away at an Idea called for some five years now. You can see my full introduction here. And meet our whole team here. We follow the mantra - Learn, Heal, Share, Express, Inspire, Curate, Promote & Publish. See What we are (How were similar to and differ from Google, Facebook, Wikipedia etc) When describing YM in December, we put it as: "an experiment in humaneness" and "a social venture that puts perspectives, services and help at the disposal of its visitors/beneficiaries". * See our Brochure or a list of all ventures. * We meet every month on the last Sunday at home - Devaragam on hangouts between 3 and 5pm Indian Standard Time (GMT + 5.30) and US/Europe call is at 8pm IST (10.30 EST). Build India Group Meetings are at 5.30pm. See our Launch recording and presentation.