Harmony is a movement begun in 2016 at the request of a friend. It aims to make the world a more peaceful place. Support us by registering here and spread this page link with your friends. If mailing, please cc shasa@cselian.com so we know. Feel free to write to us and suggest more prayers and hymns.

We encourage people to pray for world peace twice a day and also to help others and be kind to them. The prayer can take any form. A Hymn, chanting of the Lord's Prayer or His Name or just this simple one:

Dear God, give man the fortitude to listen to the words of peace and love in his heart and not be swayed by the evil forces that abound in the world around him and incite him to commit acts against the very principles that his religion and beliefs are founded upon.
Grant him the understanding that each man is free to choose his religion, that none is superior to the other, that each man understands the will of God according to his own nature and the truth of his being.
If he must talk of his religion, let it be with an openness to understand his brother's religion as well, for as Lord Krishna says - All paths lead to me.
Let us hold hands and stand against the spread of ignorance and conflict.
Let us embrace one another and truly accept each other's faults and limitations as our Lord accepts us.
A minutes silence for contemplation and thoughts for world peace.
- Unspoken by Shasa, Nov 2015

Or to put it in the words of Swami Vivekananda (from his closing speech at the World Parliament of Religions, Chicago, 1893:
Assimilation and not Destruction, Harmony and Peace and not Dissension