[info] source: https://www.aurobindo.ru/workings/ma/agenda_12/1971-12-11-01_e.htm [/info] Sri Aurobindo has come to tell us how to create this other being, this supramental being, and not only to tell us but actually to create this other being and open the path of the future, to hasten upon earth the rhythm of evolution, the new vibration that will replace the mental vibration - exactly as a thought one day disturbed the slow routine of the beasts - and will give us the power to shatter the walls of our human prison. Indeed, the prison is already starting to collapse. "The end of a stage of evolution," announced by Sri Aurobindo, "is usually marked by a powerful recrudescence of all that has to go out of the evolution." Everywhere about us we see this paroxysmal shattering of all the old forms: our borders, our churches, our laws, our morals are collapsing on all sides. They are not collapsing because we are bad, immoral, irreligious, or because we are not sufficiently rational, scientific or human, but because we have come to the end of the human! To the end of the old mechanism - for we are on our way to SOMETHING ELSE. The world is not going through a moral crisis but through an "evolutionary crisis." We are not going towards a better world - nor, for that matter, towards a worse one - we are in the midst of a MUTATION to a radically different world, as different as the human world was from the ape world of the Tertiary Era. We are entering a new era, a supramental Quinary. We leave our countries, wander aimlessly, we go looking for drugs, for adventure, we go on strike here, enact reforms there, foment revolutions and counterrevolutions. But all this is only an appearance; in fact, unwittingly, we are looking for the new being. We are in the midst of human evolution.