[social fb=roottrust2005 type=button tel=+919445707140][/social]
an organization to improve the standard of life for women and children from poor socio-economic background
How We Work
- We focus on the education needs of children from streets and slums who are school drop-outs
- We assess the community needs and create a collaborative plan based on the community’s vision for its children
- We work through programs focused on ensuring access to nutrition, clean water, proper sanitation for girl children, evening tuitions and motivational camps
- We strive to build communities that are safe and fit for children thus ensuring a secure childhood which is paramount to ourwork
- We assist in improving the quality of education and learning outcomes at different levels through infrastructure support, remedial education programs and through strengthening of school management committees
- We strive to create lasting change in the lives of children, families, and communities from poor socio-economic background
- Child abuse
- Child labor
- Women’s empowerment
- Community awareness program
What We Need
- Stipend for Tuition teachers
- Education material for children
- Financial support for social or awareness programs and educational events including food expenses
- Clothing for underprivileged children
- Resource support for Self-employment of women
- need office room
- Study Centre teacher salary
Volunteer work/support that we require
- Teaching basic English and math skills
- Workshops on basic life skills such as dressing, manners, health, and hygiene
- Workshop on creativity using art, paintings, music, and dance
- Motivating students to attend school regularly and
Success stories
- For current year 2018, 1680 children have benefitted from school enrollment and re-admission of children.
- On an average 60 women have benefitted from self-employment
- Conducted 24 awareness programs per year in slums, schools and communities
Shirly Charles
Root trust
Reg no: 684/2005
Our current source of funding
Until now we didn’t get any major/regular financial support
We collect small funds from friends and volunteers
ROOT,Account no-781010100007252,
Shirly,Ac no-20240133301,
Branch code-12246,Kutchery Road,
IFSC-SBIN0012246.State bank of India, SBI.