source: http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/field-of-dreams-1989
source: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3gNmTGu-TTbFPpfSs5kNkg|MovieClips (Youtube User)
youtube: 5Ay5GqJwHF8|Clip 1 - If you build it he will come
youtube: HQv0WWhoZnI|Clip 2 - Cornfield to ballfield
youtube: Yxzq9BLE5Hg|Clip 3 - Go the distance
youtube: Y9yrupye7B0|Clip 4 - Moonlight Graham's (Burt Lancaster) wish
youtube: 7SB16il97yw|Clip 5 - Poeple will come
youtube: v6bD23vEigE|Clip 6 - Doc saves Karin
youtube: 29nIXG5KJYw|Clip 7 - Ray is not invited
youtube: cz1TJ4r7bOU|Clip 8 - Ray meets his father
youtube: b_wnD6jxREU|Clip 9 - A catch with dad

Field of Dreams is sentimental, but in the best way; it's a mix of fairy tale, baseball, and family togetherness.

Imran, Sep 2017: I am rendered speechless in its vision and grandeur. I leave it to roger ebert and the clips to make a case in favour of you watching it - TODAY!

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