*Serving Through Gentle Art of Blessing*

Every thought we have and action we take become part of collective energy of planet.

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." ~Wayne Dyer

When we use our energy to bring light into the world, it combines with light by others to dispel the darkness.The transfer of the divine light occur when we bless is truly a sacred moment.

By making the Gentle art of blessing your daily Spiritual practice and that heal others, this act of yours will enable you to spread an atmosphere of kindness, peace and healing and therefore wherever you go, you attaract more goodness, joy and love into your own life, and lives of those around you.

To bless means to wish unconditionally and from the deepest chamber of your heart unrestricted good for others.you open the possibilities for healing in the hearts of those controlled by greed, selfishness and fear and you help yourself and others to experience a greater sense of oneness in life.

By blessing we enhance the life and growth of all the kingdoms of nature, human, animal, plant and mineral alike.

Blessing is the perfect way to develop an awareness constanly centered in love.

Everyday is ablessing and in each moment there are many things that can be grateful for.

Our days are filled with endless opportunities to practice art of blessing.

The Universe and its blessings opens to us when we live in a space of gratitude.

When we bless , we ask for goodness from source of all goodness,

When we bless, we become a channel of all pervading Source of all that is.

When we constantly choose to be grateful, we notice that every breath is a miracle and each experience becomes a gift.

We begin to understand that all the dificulties are invaluable lessons.

Because the world always reflects back to us what we embody, grateful blessings allow us to spread our abundance because that is the energy that we emante from our beings.

The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

Law Of Surrender
Locus Of Control
Meeting The Same Souls
Power In Blessing
Quantum Blessings
Raise Your Vibration
Releasing The Past