Source: Reena Reiki
Sent In: HK, 14 Jul 2017

Do you believe you can influence your surroundings so things happen for you? Or do you believe things happen TO you?*

In psychology, this perspective is called, "Internal vs. External Locus of Control."

Some people in therapy believe that they are a product of everything that has happened to them. This is called an external locus of control because these people believe they are not in control of their lives. The goal of therapy is for patients to realize that they actually have an internal locus of control.

*The universe is a reflection of me*

This is critical. If you confront the universe with the attitude of 'What can I get from you', then the universe will respond exactly same: 'What can I get from you.' However, If you meet the universe asking 'How can I serve you,' then the universe will respond likewise: 'How can I serve you?' Through this mental shift, you have in effect turned the universe into your most reliable and powerful partner.

But if I still wantthings, then how can I get them while remaining true to the philosophy above? The answer is to replace desire with gratitude.


By demonstrating gratitude, you are accepting the presence of something in your life (even if it's not there or not present at the level you wish) and affirming this to the universe. In turn, the universe will reciprocate and manifest that very thing in your life.

On the other hand, desiring something confirms its absence in your life and again, the universe reciprocates and ensures this remains absent from your life.

Live by this no matter how counter intuitive it seems. And believe me, it can be pretty counter intuitive.

*The power of contribution in your daily life*

Another amazing thing you can utilise is the power of contribution. To do this, you simply ask one question:

*How can I serve?*

Let's look at this in relation to our normal, daily lives. Everyday we encounter other people - often in dull and routine ways: at the bus stop, buying our coffee, when we're at work. But rarely do we really think about these encounters, never mind how we might make them really, really special.

So next time you find yourself interacting with someone, challenge yourself to improve this person's day and to enhance their experience by making it unique and memorable, instead of engaging in the standard behaviour that most people default to.

Try asking yourself, 'How can I make this person's day more more exciting, more interesting and more memorable?' This might simply mean paying a compliment to someone as they serve you, making a colleague laugh or doing something kind for a stranger.

Regardless, taking this appraoch costs you nothing - but by asking yourself 'How can I serve', you can have a positive impact in the world. And the universe will repay you for this.

*In your business or job*

The same applies to your business or work. If you're a business owner or an employee (or aspiring to become one), asking 'How can I serve?' is fundamental not only to your success, but to your survival. Businesses that focus on how they can best serve their customers and genuinely meet their needs will succeed, while those that focus on what they can get from their customers will inevitably fail.

So instead of asking 'how much money am I going to make', focus instead on 'how may I serve?' Create that mental image of yourself serving in the capacity of your choice and then let it go and become at peace with it.

When we're not trying, when we're not chasing and when we're simply letting go and focusing on our own contribution - that's when the real magic happens.

*With your money*

Similarly, contributing selflessly to others from your pocket (whether this is money generated through your own business or through your salary from an employer) is fundamental to creating a wealth-consciousness within yourself and to aligning the universe with your quest for abundance. This does not have to be a large sum, it's more about the act of giving than the amount. In my blog post entitled Two great models to set you on the path to financial freedom, I outline a recommended amount that you might contribute each month - to others in need, to charities, to trusts or to foundations. But again, it's not the amount that's important here.

Giving in this generous capacity creates a feeling of abundance within you and this is critical to attracting amazing things into your life. It also communicates to the universe that you are wealthy and generous, meaning the universe will become your best ally in ensuring you always remain as wealthy and as generous as possible - in ways you can't imagine.

Law Of Surrender
Locus Of Control
Meeting The Same Souls
Power In Blessing
Quantum Blessings
Raise Your Vibration
Releasing The Past