Source: Reena Reiki
Sent By: HK, 23 Jul 2017

What is the difference between surrender and detachment?

By Christy Whitman

When we experience contrast in our lives, we need to surrender to the "what is" and focus on what we do want. Surrender is a very powerful process in doing that.

Even if you think that you understand surrender at a conceptual level, when you practice it in your life it is a very different experience. I thought for years that I understood surrender and detachment, and thought I was practicing both.

Here is the difference.

Surrender is an emotional letting go.
Detachment is a mental letting go.

And both are equally important.

When you mentally detach from a picture, idea, or contrast, then the emotions follow and that is surrender.

Even though we plan, visualize, dream, intend, set goals, etc., at one point it is time to let things happen in their own way and in their own time. It is the time for us to practice the skill of trust and know that there is a Higher Source within you that will assist you in bringing what you have asked for in the right way and at the right time. Surrender is taking responsibility for the outcome we want, and expecting that only the best will happen.

When you find yourself desperate to have something-kind of that "I can't live without this" energy where your well-being is dependent on this one thing to manifest-you are actually repelling what you desire. When there is no neediness attached to having what you want, you create it much more easily. And that is where the letting go needs to take place.

So it goes back to you-connecting back to your thoughts of what you are manifesting. If you are experiencing positive thoughts (naturally without forcing positive thoughts) then you are detached at a mental level. If you are feeling excited about what is coming and know it will be manifesting, then you have surrendered.

Another way of saying this is that surrender is the absence of control.

Surrender is the openness to the receiving that we desire.

The Universe is always working with you. And even if you are not experiencing something positive in your life, there is always a blessing or lesson there for you during the process.

Surrender the emotions and detach from the thoughts, and you will then receive the blessings.

Being sick during the holidays was definitely not what I would have chosen to create, but I will tell you, it slowed me down and brought me back to my life in a much bigger and expanded way. I am so grateful for the bronchitis that I had and all the rest that my body received. I really did have a big release of 2014 and it made me so prepared to bring in and enjoy 2015.

And I did all of that through the practice of surrender and detachment.

Law Of Surrender
Locus Of Control
Meeting The Same Souls
Power In Blessing
Quantum Blessings
Raise Your Vibration
Releasing The Past