Take Charge of Your Vibration
Take Charge of Your Vibration
Raising your vibration is easy to do once you fully understand the conscious process.
Vibration is influenced by thought, but most of the time this is done at an unconscious level so we have no control over our vibration. Imagine how you can positively influence vibration with positive intentions. This means that as your thoughts become more life affirming and encouraging in nature, your life will respond. You can take charge of your vibration and even the vibration of the world around you by being responsible with your mental energy, so if you want to raise your vibration, you must raise your thoughts. The more you consciously take charge of your thoughts, the more your vibration will rise.
If you are not in control of your thoughts, you are not in control of your life.
Your mind is like a quantum computer but if you are not consciously running the computer, it is programmed and run by external forces - be that family, society, government, authority figures or media. You take back your power by taking back the control panel in your head. I know that it can be difficult, at first, to get in the driver�s seat of your thoughts, but there is no greater work that you can, and must, do. If you want to create a better life and a better world, there is no getting around it - first, you must create better thoughts.
As the thinker of your thoughts, you have the power to master your life, and�be the change you want to see in the world.
Law Of Surrender
Locus Of Control
Meeting The Same Souls
Power In Blessing
Quantum Blessings
Raise Your Vibration
Releasing The Past