According to me, a gender is something that we can choose and one shouldn't be forced to live with the gender that they were assigned during birth.

Everybody on earth deserves to live their life by their own rules and versioning of standards and therefore it is morally and ethically incorrect if one is being forced to follow a particular set of standards set by preconceived notions or some rootless ideas.

When it comes to LGBTQI, it's always been controversial but like the name suggests it is really as simple as that. First of all one need to understand the fact that heterosexual is the most common sexuality and not the right sexuality because when it comes to sexuality there is nothing really right or wrong.

The fact is that the sexuality of a person is determined during pregnancy even before one starts to feel several sensations. There are millions of neurones in the brain that develops during pregnancy which in turn determines the sex one belongs to and also sex one has to get attracted to. Most times the body and the sexuality remains in sync which is why most men and women are attracted to the opposite sex but in some cases where the body and sexuality does not come to terms, it turns out to be where men/women get attracted to the same sex. Therefore it is definitely unfair to blame the person when he/she gets attracted to the same sex because it is not the person who determines where they would want to go, it is the internal organs that decide.

There are circumstances where someone is born with a male body but do not feel like one. In such case, often they go for a gender reassignment surgery as they feel they are trapped in the wrong body, this goes for the other gender as well. There were times when such things were considered taboo and those people were considered anti-social and a threat to the society and culture. Thanks to the modernization of the world which has now led ways where everyone can live their life their style irrespective of which sexuality they belong to. It's definitely much much better to change genders than to feel trapped in the wrong body for the entire life.

Johins Thoughts