- Yama (moral conduct): noninjury to others, truthfulness, nonstealing, continence, and noncovetousness.
- Niyama (religious observances): purity of body and mind, contentment in all circumstances, self-discipline, self-study (contemplation), and devotion to God and guru.
- Asana: right posture.
- Pranayama: control of prana, the subtle life currents in the body.
- Pratyahara: interiorization through withdrawal of the senses from external objects.
- Dharana: focused concentration; holding the mind to one thought or object.
- Dhyana: meditation, absorption in the vast perception of God in one of His infinite aspects - Bliss, Peace, Cosmic Light, Cosmic Sound, Love, Wisdom, etc. - all-pervading throughout the whole universe.
- Samadhi: superconscious experience of the oneness of the individualized soul with Cosmic Spirit.
Eightfold Path
Yoga Nidra