Bienvenue, YieldMore is a network of people looking out for their fellow beings, trying to inspire and share with them the best of their learnings. And a place to promote the programs, people and practices that would help improve their quality of life. Get in touch with us at: / +919841223313 / To know more, visit here: About Page and Video, see our site overview (sitemap) or list of social media links and redirects.

Harmony & Aikyatan - world around, people are in search of something that liberates and unites us all.
Entheos - A platform for discussing spirituality and religion (books available by Samata). - "Indian religion has always believed that since the minds, the temperaments and the intellectual affinities of men are unlimited in their variety, a perfect liberty of thought and of worship must be allowed to the individual in his approach to the Infinite" - Sri Aurobindo.
Diet by Swami Sivananda.

##News and Events - our live broadcasting channel with interactive chat and the ability to save clips.
Forum - We're now collecting questions and ansers.
French - Imran launches a group for learning French. //TODO: setup r=links
Quotes - friends can now send us a text file of their favourite quotes and we can show them randomly.

##Curate / Inspire
link:|Imran's tribute, 6 Aug
youtube: lrzF88mWewY&list=PLsuI89eMBnMGZab7xKLfGJ-JZ9H2126Q0|SAMA - Toward a Harmonious Collective Existence- Georges van Vrekhem
youtube: iCA_XaSXn_M|Keep Talking - Stephen Hawking / Pink Floyd / British Telecom - oh humanity!
youtube: YQaammaoMxU|Climb Ev'ry Mountain - Sound of Music - obstacles
youtube: pKP4cfU28vM|Turn! Turn! Turn - The Byrds - harmony
youtube: hHrdSXwonRg|Deck of Cards - Tex Ritter - contemplation
link:|Curious Lives (Richard Bach)
link:|Louis Lamour, writer of American Westerns
link:|List of 150 recommendations by Imran

Organization: - Jeevan Stem Cell Registry
Organizations: J4D - Jobs for Dyslexics, USA
Practice: Yoga (its relevance by Swami Niranjanananda of the Bihar School of Yoga) - a slideshow intro by Mr Subramanian K.
Program: Instrumental Enrichment
Helper: Rani (English Teacher and Special Educator) - content to be added.
Artist: Soulspace (Bharath Muraliraman)
Project: Cave 3.0 - an Opera depicting the evolution on consciousness.

Leaf By Niggle (JRR Tolkien)
Problem of Rebirth and The Object of Our Yoga (Sri Aurobindo)
Inspire (By Imran, for his mother Uma)

201708 Aug