I asked God to keep all "my friends and Family be happy all the time."
God said: OK, but only for 4 days! Now you select that 4 days!
I said "OK"
" summer day "
"winter day "
" rainy day " and
" spring day "
God got confused and said, no you can select only 3 days.
I said "OK"
" yesterday "
" today "
" tommorow "
God got confused and said, NO, you can select only 2 days,
I said "OK"
" current day AND
" the next day "
God again got confused and said, NO you can select only?one day!!
" I said "OK"
" everyday "
God started laughing and said " all your friends and family will be happy at all times".
1706 Phrase Corrections For Hindus
1708 I Am Changing
1709 God Granting Happiness
1709 Parenting Thirukkural
1709 Ramayana Microcosm
1709 September
1710 Fasting
1711 I Am Slowly Learning
1711 Women
1802 Deep Meanings
1804 Lessons From Chess
1804 Life Backwards
1805 Why Me
1808 Madhav Gadgil
1808 People Of The Blessed Land
1808 Videos
1810 Pictures