source: https://overmanfoundation.wordpress.com/2016/08/23/swami-pratyagatmananda-saraswatis-tribute-to-sri-aurobindo/

Swami Pratyagatmananda Saraswati was born as Pramathanath Mukherjee on 27 August 1880 at Chanduli in the district of Burdwan.
He passed his M.A. with honours in philosophy. He started his career as a professor at the National Council of Education
where he had Sri Aurobindo as his colleague.

He had paid a rich tribute to Sri Aurobindo in the form of a poem titled Sri Aurobindo, Namaste
which he had penned on 15 August 1963. This poem was obtained from Shri Arup Basu, editor of Sraddha, the quarterly journal
published from Sri Aurobindo Bhavan, Kolkata - and has been published by the Overman Foundation (see source link above).

Sri Aurobindo, Namaste
"O Adorable Fire"! the Dawn of Divine Inspiration opens with the hymn to Fire-
As the Power radiant that burns and bores,
As the Light supernal that leads and lays, the Way
To the deepest-laid treasure-bed of abiding Value
Thou art that Fire incarnate, Sri Aurobindo, namaste!

The Fire leaps with its threefold Flame-
As Inspiration high and sublime,
As Aspiration that conquers and consorts all,
As Attainment that completes and consummates all:
Not Fire alone that burns in the suns and atoms,
Nor Fire alone that shines in gods and godlike beings,
But, par excellence, the Fire that informs and transforms creation's Form and Pattern,
Enlightens its Soul, illumines its Spirit:
Thou art that Fire incarnate, Sri Aurobindo, namaste!

The Fire that in one pada (dimension) pervades and sways,
The positions and postures of existence here below,
But exceeds, in three other unrestricted, measureless measures;
Of whose deathless glory (Mahima) Vedic hymns sing;
The Fire celestial (Divya) shining beyond the sense that clouds.
Mind that doubts And Intellect that debates and dogmatises
Thou art that Fire Supramental, Sri Aurobindo, namaste!

The Fire that resides as cave-dweller in the Creative Vak (word)
But releases the seeker of Fire Immortal from the cave of dark, dubious being;
The Fire that is 'born' on the altar of Karma (purifying Discipline)
The Fire that 'grows' in flames of Bhakti (steady and single Devotion),
That fulfils with the shining Nectar of Jnana (whole Realisation),
Thou art that Fire incarnate, Sri Aurobindo, namaste!

The Fire as seeking Ardour, fearless and tireless, that in Upakos'ala and Nachiketah burns-
Fire as the highest Illumination sought;
The Fire, Agni and Yama, lights and leads;
The Fire as Seeker, Seeking and Sought combined,
As also Guide, Seer and Teacher,
Thou art that Revealing Fire, Sri Aurobindo, namaste!

Seers know of padas (dimensions) numberless of Fire;
Tho' they speak of them, now as three, now as five, now as seven;
They so speak to make transcending Total Significance to us comprehensible;
But it is the unfathomed Immensity of Significance,
Where both star and dust, soul arid sense,
Their import receive, their commerce carry, their destiny fulfil:
Thou art that Fire of Complete Significance, Sri Aurobindo, namaste!

Thy incarnation here, now ended, is unlimited in time, space and event:
Thy Life an eternal Code (sutram),
Thy Sadhana an eternally lucid Commentary (bhashyam),
Thy creation in Thought and Harmony, in Whole Yoga and
Divine Communion,
Is an Epic incomparable,
Unique and profound, surpassing and sublime;
O Expression and Exponent of Life Divine, of Perfect Yoga,
Of Meaning and Spirit of all Time, Sri Aurobindo, namaste!

Momentous is the Epoch that turns the Wheel and ushers the present age-
Momentous in human sadhana in knowledge, in power, for both emancipation and achievement;
The curtain rises, the stage lighted for the play of new Creative Event:
Mother Bengal wakes with the mahamantra, Bande Mataram:
To thee, Sri Aurobindo, is assigned the role that inspires, leads and fulfils:
To thee is committed the Charge Divine,
Of keeping alive and carrying to its culmination
The Fire-with "threefold flame:
Of Man's integral self-awakening, self-avowing, self-emancipation here and now:
The last, specially, as the End-
Which to thee, Sri Aurobindo, is Purna Svaraj-Freedom Perfect as in Life Divine, namaste!

The curtain riseth again, the scene changeth:
In the solitude of Asrama,
Broadened and deepened, embalmed and inspired,
By the divinely significant Sea lapping in homage low and ecstatic at
Ramesvaram-and Kanya Kumarika,
Thy asana is unshakeably laid in glory of Purna Yoga,
Invoking and realising,
The Divine Mother as Perfect Power, as Perfect Harmony, as
Perfect Vidya (Knowledge), and Perfect Godhead:
Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati, Maheshwari.

The deluge of radio-active destruction, now mounting high, and looming near, now low, and receding-
What does it spell, Seer! to whom Time has nothing secreted sealed?
Thy immortal Epic Voice in Savitri assures and cheers-
The colossal unrest and abysmal fear of the age,
Its mighty travail of re-birth,
Of Man, Divine in spirit and expression,
From under the appalling pall of blinded belief, confounded lust and greed and spite.
O, that message of Fire Divine, as saviour and builder of the coming Age, come true, now!
Devoutly aspires a lagging wayfarer on thy Way,
As the shades are fast falling and gathering,
And his pace slackening on the immensely intriguing, yet arresting shore:
The Shore kneeling and accosting (greeting) the Sea,
Sri Aurobindo, namo namaste!

Hog Maya
Nkg To Love Man
Om And Turiya
Overman Foundation
Power Supreme