link: https://archive.org/details/001AlFaatiha_201403
youtube: 1c15EmERsZg|Why there is only one version?
link: https://legacy.yieldmore.org/media/downloads/islam/quran.zip|Zip file of translation per chapter
link: https://legacy.yieldmore.org/media/islam/quran/|Audio and translation

The Holy Quran is the revealed word of Allah (the God of Islam), brought down by the Angel Gibrail in different parts during the lifetime of Prophet Mohammad ( - 632 AD).

A Buddhist Bible
Autobiography Of A Yogi
Bhagavad Gita
Essays On The Gita
Hour Of God
I Am That
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Lay Of Leithian
Leaf By Niggle
Problem Of Rebirth
Prometheus Unbound
The Prophet
Vishnu Sahasranamam

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show list of 18 disk calls with total duration of 14444.113 micro seconds