Chapter 11 - Buying and Selling


And a merchant said, "Speak to us of Buying and Selling."

And he answered and said:

To you the earth yields her fruit, and you shall not want if you but know how to fill your hands.

It is in exchanging the gifts of the earth that you shall find abundance and be satisfied.

Yet unless the exchange be in love and kindly justice, it will but lead some to greed and others to hunger.

When in the market place you toilers of the sea and fields and vineyards meet the weavers and the potters and the gatherers of spices, -

Invoke then the master spirit of the earth, to come into your midst and sanctify the scales and the reckoning that weighs value against value.

And suffer not the barren-handed to take part in your transactions, who would sell their words for your labour.

To such men you should say,

"Come with us to the field, or go with our brothers to the sea and cast your net;


For the land and the sea shall be bountiful to you even as to us."

And if there come the singers and the dancers and the flute players, - buy of their gifts also.

For they too are gatherers of fruit and frankincense, and that which they bring, though fashioned of dreams, is raiment and food for your soul.

And before you leave the marketplace, see that no one has gone his way with empty hands.

For the master spirit of the earth shall not sleep peacefully upon the wind till the needs of the least of you are satisfied.

Chapter1 - The Coming of the Ship
Chapter2 - Love
Chapter3 - Marriage
Chapter4 - Children
Chapter5 - Giving
Chapter6 - Eating and Drinking
Chapter7 - Work
Chapter8 - Joy and Sorrow
Chapter9 - Houses
Chapter10 - Clothes
Chapter11 - Buying and Selling
Chapter12 - Crime and Punishment
Chapter13 - Laws
Chapter14 - Freedom
Chapter15 - Reason and Passion
Chapter16 - Pain
Chapter17 - Self-Knowledge
Chapter18 - Teaching
Chapter19 - Friendship
Chapter20 - Talking
Chapter21 - Time
Chapter22 - Good and Evil
Chapter23 - Prayer
Chapter24 - Pleasure
Chapter25 - Beauty
Chapter26 - Religion
Chapter27 - Death
Chapter28 - The Farewell