Author: Imran
Date: 1st May 2018
youtube: cGtwo0OUj6g
Dedication: John Lopez
What stain on our soul stops us from looking around and CARING for another soul? Be it ourselves, a loved one or a complete stranger. We all carry that divine spark within no matter how buried it seems. So why this indifference/insouciance? It's because we've slowly allowed ourselves to drift away from our integral/whole selves. A kernel of Bliss (Anandamayakosha) that resonates at the core of our being.
It is only when in touch with our natural selves, and freed from this overwhelming wave of [dis]information that's engineered to wreak havoc with our inner spirit and make us not know which way to turn, that we can look around and see the world in all its beauty. The world is, was and will always be beautiful. It's only our perception that needs to change as we aspire towards perfection, dynamism and wonder.
How do we cure this internal conflict. By accepting our past and coming to terms with what we are. Limited fragments of that unlimited origin. But limitless in our own right, possibilities unmanifest and just waiting to become.
so fear not to see the world in its true light again.
just as we got accustomed to darkness, so shall we to joy
for the true spirit of us yearns to be free
and should take flight if only the windows were open
- Amore, 2004
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