Shasa is the pseudonym of me, Imran. An African bushman (San) word for Good Water, Michel Shasa de Thiry Courtney is a character from The Burning Shore and Power of the Sword.

Essays to a Swan was conceived circa 2013 though some of its essays are older.

Swan, for that is the translation of Hamsa, the ‘royal swan’ of the soul that floats in the cosmic ocean, beholding both its body and the ocean as manifestations of the same Spirit. And its also a play on Soham.

My older work can be seen here (pre 2016). Divine, Dear Brother and Charted are some of my most inspired ones.

In 2016, I began writing short pieces of blank verse and in 2017, to make them rhyme. These are listed below. Prose I began writing again in 2017 August and these can be found here.

Vol I

  1. Amore / Love - March 2004
  2. Thank you (to God) - Saturday, 26 March 2016
  3. Sara (2 lovers) - 13 April 2016 (thought of 20 Nov 2015)
  4. Wishes - Birthday wishes, Nov 2016
  5. Sandra (girl and boy) - Nov 2016
  6. Mother - 12 Nov 2016
  7. Son - 19 Nov 2016
  8. Sasha / Teacher - 15 Dec 2016
  9. Ebbs and Flows - 23 Dec 2016
  10. Infants - 31 Dec 2016 - for N
  11. Hope - 31 Dec 2016
  12. Brother - 31 Dec 2016

Vol 2 (Jan - Mar 2017)

  1. Cousins - 14 Jan 2017 - For SA
  2. Mentors - 15 Jan 2017 - for Jayan
  3. Nature - 22 Jan 2017
  4. Muse - Male - 22 Jan 2017
  5. Doing - 4 Feb 2017
  6. Friends (rhymes) - 8 Feb 2017 - For S
  7. Love - 11 Feb 2017
  8. Teeming with Life - 12 Mar 2017
  9. The path to God - 12 Mar 2017
  10. Dauntless - for Bethany Nikka - 18 Mar 2017
  11. Perfection (rhymes) - 19 Mar 2017
  12. Acres Wild (rhymes) - 19 Mar 2017

Vol 3 (Mar 2017 - July 2017) - Rhymes

  1. A friendly Nod - 25 Mar 2017
  2. Wistfulness (rhymes - alternately) - 25 Apr 2017
  3. Touched (by His hand) - 3 Jun 2017
  4. Cycle - 3 Jun 2017
  5. Inspire - 3 Jun 2017 - for Uma
  6. Eros - 19 Jun 2017 - for B
  7. Mademoiselle (French, doesnt rhyme) - 23 June 2017
  8. Tether - 15 Jul 2017 - for SS
  9. Sivam - 23 Jul 2017 - for Uma's Father Sivaraman
  10. Once (partly rhymes) - 25 Jul 2017 - for F
  11. Light - 25 Jul 2017 - for F
  12. Glimmer - 29 Jul 2017 - for S

Vol 4 (Aug 2017 - ) - All Rhyming unless mentioned otherwise

  1. Friends II - 6 Aug 2017 - for Veena and Rahul
  2. Notables - 6 Aug 2017 - For Tolkien et al.
  3. Striving - 7 Aug 2017
  4. Dwell - 13 Aug 2017 - for A
  5. For Maa - 23 Aug 2017 - for Vasantha
  6. Music - 2 Sep 2017 - for Vasantha
  7. Toi - 9 Sep 2017 - for SA and MA
  8. Fate - 29 Sep 2017 - for F
  9. Stormy - 2 Oct 2017 - for Richard Bach
  10. 123ABCDEFT - 9 things I learned by loving (doesnt rhyme) - 3rd Nov 2017
  11. To [have and to] hold (doesnt rhyme) - 12 Nov 2017
  12. Go Back for Pater - 24th Dec 2017

I also have now, 4 prayers.

Ante Up
Boundless As The Sky
Essays To A Swan
Fly Up
Poetrusic By Chaos
Spontaneous Love
The Book Of Sophia

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